Dr. Hiromi Shinya, leading endocrinologist, clinical professor of surgery, head of the endoscopic center at Beth Israel Medical Center, Vice-chairman of the Japanese Medical Association in the United States:
“Kangen Water is alkaline rich water (ph 8-9.5), and is considered the very best drinking
water because of its incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti-oxidation.”
Dr. Corinne Allen, international researcher and practitioner in natural health and nutrition:
“Brain inflammation can occur from many causes including: head injuries, premature birth,
lack of oxygen and various infections. The resulting inflammation can provide dysfunction in
the body’s ability to detoxify harmful substances. They can also exhibit mitochondria that
have low energy output and high free-radical generation. Often those with brain challenges
like Autism and Aspergers, drink almost no water each day, only accentuating the problems in
brain functioning. In Autistics and others where brain inflammation is high, toxins can more
easily cross the blood brain flooding the brain with free radicals.
Kangen Water™ has been providing my clients with a strong source of antioxidants and
improved hydration. In our brain programs we observed that our therapeutic expectations
have been significantly exceeded by adding Kangen Water™ to the treatment